26 Mart 2012 Pazartesi


GEMS teması altında filleri inceledik. Asya fili ile Afrika filinin arasındaki farklılıkları, nasıl beslendiklerini ve yaşam döngülerini aşama aşama öğrendik. 

 Hafta sonu hazırladığımız fil posterlerimizi arkadaşlarımıza ve öğretmenlerimize sunduk.

 Daha sonra Beyaz Kurbağalar olarak kendi fil maketimizi oluşturduk.
1. AŞAMA: Maketimiz için önce resim yaptık
2.AŞAMA: Kolilerimizi kartonla kapladık

3.AŞAMA: Kartondan büyük büyük kulaklar çizdik ve kestik.
4.AŞAMA: Tabii ki gazete kağıtlarını buruşturup kuyruk ve hortum oluşturduk
5.AŞAMA: Biz ve Elmer
Veee sınıfımıza hoşgeldin Elmer......


Tarihte kısa bir yolculuk yaptık ve dinazorların izlerine rastladık. Hangi dönemde yaşadıklarını ve nasıl yok olduklarını öğrendik. Şimdilerde ise yapılan kazılar sayesinde iskeletlerine ulaşıldığını çeşitli videolardan izledik. Bizler de Beyaz Kurbağalar olarak kil hamurlarının içine saklanmış iskeletleri bulup birleştirdik. Ve bu iskeletin dinazorların kralı olan T-Rex'e ait olduğunu keşfettik.

English post

Another week has come and gone.  Spring has finally sprung!  The weather is getting warmer and sunnier and the White Frogs are happy and as hardworking as ever.
Our theme was ELEPHANTS.  We learned a lot of things about elephants.  For example:  Did you know that there are two types of elephants?  Asian and African.  African elephants have larger ears than their Asian cousins.  Why is that?  Well,  we learned that African elephants use their big ears to keep themselves cool in the hot African weather.  We also listened to some elephant songs and watched some stories about elephants.  We played some fun elephant games as well.  It was a busy week as usual.

Here we are doing a listeneing worksheet from "Happy House."  We always listen carefully to the instructions so that we know just what to do.

Then it was time to listen to the CD and complete the worksheet.  We listened to different sounds in order and had to put the correct number in a box next to the correct picture.  It sounds complicated but by now we are really good at doing this kind of work.  

Wait a second!  Is that a dinosaur I see?  Yes, it is.  We had a lot of fun during dinosaur week so we took a little time out to make a T-Rex.
Affan, Ezgi, Emir and Anday are giving Rex a nice coat of paint!

Ozan, Arda, Yağiz and Boran are doing their part as well.

                              Duru, Kutay, Melis and İlker seem to enjoy that sticky, gooey paint.

                                                                          Rex is all done!

                             There are smiles all around for a job well done.  Way to go White Frogs!

Well, that's it for another week.  We had fun, learned a lot and had a nice week at school with each other.  Our new theme will be the ARTS.  Let's see what fun we can have with that.  We will be back next week with more pictures and news.  Bye- Bye!


I Like Elephants    (This is a really fun song about animals.  The kids really love this one and we highly recommend that you click on this link and listen to it with your child.)

Circus Escape  ( A story from British Council about a little elephant that escapes from the circus and has a few adventures.)

21 Mart 2012 Çarşamba


Bu ay  değerler eğitiminde işbirliği konusuyla ilgili çalşmalar yapıyoruz. Arkadaşlarımızla birlikte hazırladığımız çikolatalı cremé olé yardımlaşarak yapıldığından olsa gerek nefisti... Hepimiz sırayla süt ve çikolatalı toz karışımı ekleyip karıştırdık. Sonra da istediğimiz gibi süsleyerek servis yaptık. Bu yılın en lezzetli işbirliği fotoğraflarını da paylaşmak istedik. 


Baharın  gelmesiyle kış uykusuna yatırdığımız kirpilerimizi uyandırdık.Öğrencilerimiz büyük bir heyecanla onlara günaydın diyerek ağac kovuğundan kirpilerini çıkarttılar.

20 Mart 2012 Salı

Big as trees, brains like peas. Any clue?

This week we were busy  bees with the dinosaur theme. We were illuminated with lots of data about dinosaurs. We put the headphones on. Ready, steady, go!!!
 We watched podcasts about Stegosaurus, one of the members of the diverse dino family. Seems Ezgi enjoyed it more :)
 These headphones are cool!
 This song was about a big pig which was related to our previous theme wild animals. These boys definitely liked the song.  

 All we need is an action song...The name of the song is...Sorry, that part is secret :) However, that doesn't mean that you can not view us performing it.

Having left the week behind, we can recommend you some links and videos full of dinosaur stuff.
A story you can read with your child on British Council's site:Dinosaur Dig http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/dinosaur-dig

A song that gives insights on the past lives of dinosaurs: Dinosaur 1-10http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/dinosaur-1-10

That's all for now. We will keep you informed with lots of different adventures. Ciao!